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Showing posts from September, 2015

My Goal This Year

One of our activities the first week of school was to write goals. As a model for this activity, I wrote my goal for the year with input from my class. My goal this year is to use technology everyday in my instruction. Now I realize that if I use the definition of technology to mean anything invented after I was born, I meet this goal every time I use my laptop. If I were to apply this definition from my students' perspective I could be in trouble. I am choosing my perspective since it is my goal. I wrote the goal with students to model goal writing but also to be accountable to them for my goal. Here are a few ways I have made progress towards meeting my goal. I have made quizzes for my reading group using Google Forms and a QR  code generator. The students then take the quiz on an iPad. The students and I are writing a blog with posts giving travel advice to families. This project is working on their writing skills as well as the content standards for Social Studies. We have

Happy New Year!

I have always enjoyed the beginning of the school year. The anticipation of new experiences, building new relationships and fresh school supplies all make me smile. This year I will be teaching 4th grade and instructional coaching.  This is a new challenge for me as previously I have always taught a primary grade. I will of course integrate technology and I am looking forward to working with an older age group. I read, My Teacher is a Monster by Peter Brown to my students. We used to  AnswerGarden  to brainstorm characteristics a teacher should have. I want give credit to Meghan Zimmond's blog post  for the idea. Here's the word cloud that their ideas generated. I have a lot to live up to but it was a great way to start our year.