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Showing posts from July, 2018

Growing Learners

“Knee high by the 4th of July,” is the way to know if your corn is going to yield a corp. Our corn is more than knee and thriving despite all of the chaos of construction surrounding it. It continues to grow right next to the chain-link fence that guards the trucks and heavy machines that will alter the school campus. The corn isn’t the only thing growing at McKinney. Inside the building, students are growing their math, reading skills and engineering skills. Each day brings new opportunities to the students. I am so proud of the work they are doing. This is the 5th year of this program and I see students challenging themselves in ways they haven’t done in previous years. Students are using Epic to research ideas and things they want to build. They are brave enough to try out the Makey, Makey and problem solve on their own how to make it work. They are asking questions, advocating for help and expanding their knowledge all while having fun. Our garden is growing and so are our s